Un accordeur qui essaie tant bien que mal d’expliquer la manipulation de la clé d’accordage en Anglais.
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BTW I push on the lever with one finger mostly to show the action better. In any case the tuning lever may vibrate enough so we have a good feedback.
I saw yesterday a grand Steinway mod C that was tuned/settled like that 1 year ago, and played professionally. : unisons have moved very slightly, a few notes with distinct moan, but most with simply loss of energy, but the global tuning was still good.
I did not talk of the tension in the non active segments of wire, playing the note often, and a sharp blow usually is enough to have the wire stable. In case the final pitch is too high, more sharp blow will be used till the pitch lower.
Il ne faut pas chercher a tourner la cheville, mais a la vriller le plus possible pour que la tension supplémentaire décolle la corde, le mouvt est extrêmement lent, juste de plus en plus de pression.
AU retour la cheville est dé vrillée le plus possible, on dépasse la justesse (a peine) juste assez pour que la tension de la cheville (sous contrainte) quand on relâche remonte la corde. il faut jouer souvent et régulièrement – pas trop fort.
Pour les francophones (désolé mais vs êtes pas nombreux sur les forums !)
La position a 14:-15:00 pour monter et pour tendre la cheville ne fatigue pas particulièrement le sommier, la force est retenue par la traction de la corde presque en ligne droite
En revanche , quand on bloque la cheville avec cette position, la friction la fiat bloquer plus haut dans son logement, et la il y a plus de force sur la partie utile du logement, donc position 12-13:00 pour caler en douceur/profondeur
BTW it is not a basic technique, even if it looks like, but more an advanced one, it necessitate a good tactile feedback and understanding of the string rendering.
Did you try it ? did you notice a difference in tone ?
Hi !
I prefer no pin bushing, so the tuning pin can vibrate more easily. It should be possible to experiment to compare with and without. I guess most don’t believe that the tuning pin can have an acoustic role.
That hammer technique is +- the first learned, but some advantages are only understood long after !
I agree to your tuning hammer’s operation and basic skill consideration.
When I observed the simmell piano factory, they seem to have produced a pin bushing of the plastic experimentally,
but after all woodenness seems to be good .